It’s been a while. I hope everyone is well. Since I detailed much of the hybrid publishing process, I wanted to round out the account by giving you all an update on sales. I already reported that I sold 273 copies of People Along the Sand in 2021 from bookstores and online. For the first half of 2022 (Jan 1-June 30), I sold 112 from bookstores and online. I’ve also sold (at least) 55 directly via Square app or in cash. That takes me to 440 (or a bit more) total. And I’m hoping more people will buy the novel after they read and enjoy the collection: if so, I might make it to my 500 goal.
In addition to money earned from royalties, I’ve done two events where I earned $75 at each, and I have one $100 event and one $500 event planned. I guess these days authors make most of their money on events, not on book sales. It seems unfortunate, but that’s the way it is, and although I haven’t broken even on what I spent for the hybrid publishing process, I’ve made about half of the $4,000 back.
I need to nail down the exact numbers soon, as I’ll be doing a panel at AWP in Seattle in March that will detail exactly how much I spent and earned and on what. It’s called “Book Promotion by the Numbers.” If you’ll be there, and are interested, look us up.
I also wanted to let you all know my tour dates for Bratwurst Haven: Stories, which comes out three weeks from today. I’d love to see any of you at any of them.
Tuesday, November 1: Annie Bloom’s (virtual)
Thursday, November 3: White Whale Books (virtual)
Friday, November 4: Powell’s in Portland
Monday, November 7: West Virginia University in Morgantown
Tuesday, November 8: Ivy Bookshop in Baltimore
Wednesday, November 9: Politics & Prose in Washington, DC
Thursday, November 10: Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, NC
Saturday, November 26: Shop Girl (a dress shop) in Gresham, OR
Thursday, February 9: Boulder Book Store in Boulder, CO
And don’t forget you can order signed copies from Annie Bloom’s or Powell’s.
I hope everyone has a great fall.